
Link to FIJI PHOTOS and VIDEOS Album

So... we get to the resort, and while we were eating our second breakfast of the day (traveling is so hard), we hear birds. LOTS of birds. Very LOUD birds. THEN we looked up in the trees. The trees were loaded with these "birds, as was the air.

Interesting birds that hang upside down.

LOTS of birds hanging upside down.

Lots of these things flying around too. I have a video, but there is no way I can upload it with the slow internet here.

Rather Graceful in their own way.

I am just glad these things are not the size of vultures.

In case you have not figured it out yet, these are fruit bats. TONS of fruit bats.

IF the following video does not work well, use the one on my SMUGMUG site - LINK HERE: "Bird" Video

Here is a video of the area near the pool, the "birds" get active when it cools off a bit: